Sweet Little Paxton

by Karla M. Alvarado
(Alhambra, CA, USA)

Paxton at the park

Paxton at the park

Paxton is my 15-year old Pomeranian. He's struggling with advanced arthritis and pinched nerves. Every time I think he's done living because he has trouble walking or getting up from his bed, he finds the energy to run about the apartment or shreds tissues from the wastebasket. It's as if he's making it a point to remind me he's still very much alive. His sweet, sensitive disposition and quirky personality are unlike anything I've experienced from a dog. But then, how biased can I be?

Several months ago I quit a job that wrecked my health. During my time at home with Paxton he's helped me to develop an abundance of patience, which was considered a liability when I worked in film production. He has taught me a brand of loving kindness that no guru du jour could hope to explain. And, he has helped *me* to heal.

I cherish and am grateful for each moment with Paxton, for as long as he may be here. It gives me peace to know that he'll delight more beings in his next life, and will get never-ending cuddles in Heaven. For now, there are still a few more romps in the park, more tissues to shred, and lots of cuddles from me.

Comments for Sweet Little Paxton

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Feb 21, 2011
by: Karla

thank u, rebecca. i think that would be his very definition of heaven! i'll always miss him.

Feb 13, 2011
by: Rebecca J

Thank you Karla for your story... so sad to hear that Paxton is no longer here on Earth, but then I guess it's a bonus for Heaven. I just hope they don't have too many waste paper baskets up there...

Jan 30, 2011
Thank you
by: Karla

Thank you for your kind words. Paxton is no longer in pain, and yes, he left many lovely memories to comfort me. :o)

Jan 30, 2011
by: Paul

Very sorry to hear your news about Paxton. I feel for you at this sad time. I hope you can take comfort in the memories of your special time together.

Jan 28, 2011
by: Karla

Paxton passed away on January 25, 2011. I miss him dearly.

Jan 22, 2011
thank you
by: Karla

Thank you, Paul. And thanks for this wonderful site.

Jan 22, 2011
by: Paul

Thanks for telling us about Paxton. He is a very lucky little fellow. It is very true - I am sure our old dogs like to remind us they still have plenty of life left in their own little way.

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